How is Covid changing the healthcare system?

ClinicAll Healthcare
4 min readAug 20, 2020


Interview with Hermann Kamp, specialist for digital healthcare

These have undoubtedly been challenging times lately. Special times require special measures. That’s why we at ClinicAll focus all our energy and our technological and digital expertise on supporting the healthcare sector. We all know that in our new world with Covid, digital applications are essential to ensure our health in the long term and to make our lives more comfortable again. In particular, patient treatments must be safe and relieve and also protect doctors and staff.

During this global pandemic, we have learned many new things that need to be implemented quickly. Nobody can predict the future, but life has changed dramatically for everyone and will keep us busy for a long time to prevent another outbreak like this. We will no longer take familiar procedures and guidelines for granted. ClinicAll is here to provide the necessary flows and channels for a life in a safer future.

Therefore CEO & Digital Healthcare Specialist Hermann Kamp was interviewed on key issues:

Reporter: Mr. Kamp, you have been working in the Healthcare Industry for a long time, how do you think ClinicAll can actively help with this pandemic?

Kamp: The Clinicall Health Community can make a significant contribution to this very issue. Whether it is medical advice or treatment, the procurement of products such as masks, disinfection, etc., or the sharing of relevant information to better respond to this pandemic or future events, and this globally! All online, secure and digital. We have the tools to make it all easier and less challenging.

Reporter: Where would the ClinicAll healthcare community be now if you could have closed the soft cap of your project in 2019?

Kamp: I am sure that we would have been able to offer a great worldwide support together with our partners, specialists and members, for all people, governments, health care institutions and other affected people. The constant exchange of information and medical support play a major role here.

Reporter: Who are the big winners of this global lifestyle?

Kamp: I find it difficult to speak of winners when the global economy collapses to such an extent, but of course there are always winners, even in such crises. The winners are certainly digital companies in all areas, online services, online shopping, social networks, all those who can provide services without personal contact to strangers and minimize the risk of infection, important here without becoming lonely.

Reporter: Why would you add ClinicAll to this list of winners during the Covid 19 outbreak?

Kamp: Because we have been developing healthcare software for 10 years and have taken the digital path. Especially in the countries and institutions where our software is used intelligently, this phenomenon is particularly evident now, up to the connection of the digital patient file. The Clinicall Health Community is the “tip of the iceberg” to connect all people, no matter where in the world; fast, mobile and borderless. This is exactly what the world will need in the future, I think we will never return to “old” times. With our community all people have access to all the important health services you can imagine. With the introduction of a digital currency, neither cash nor credit cards are required. And that’s not all, even goods like face masks and toiletries could have been stored in advance and shipped worldwide at reasonable prices. And all this without touching a currency or an ATM.

ClinicAll thus becomes a system-relevant partner, which already has digital solutions and does not have to develop them first. We are just proving that we can survive this pandemic and rise stronger than before, but with digital support and networking the spread could have been better controlled.

Who would have thought 10 months ago that the world is where it is right now? While some regions of the world are recovering quickly and better than others, some countries are having difficulty containing the virus, but a second wave everywhere should not be underestimated. While the economy is still far from a healthy level, the block chain and crypto industries are already booming. Apparently, it had to have this crisis first to draw attention to new technologies. Not nice, but sometimes people only learn from crises.

Reporter: What do you think your token would be worth today compared to when you issued it?

Kamp: I firmly believe that our token would have been worth a lot more if we had launched the Clinicall Health Community in 2019 as planned, but unfortunately health wasn’t a major concern for people at that time. Now times have changed massively and we will continue to work hard to make health affordable, preventative and safe for everyone in the world. You are welcome to visit us at or



ClinicAll Healthcare

The ClinicAll Healthcare Community, is enabled by the ClinicAll Health Token (CHC). It intends to expand healthcare-related services and products beyond hospita